Magnetic motor

Many concepts have been presented in recent years with only one goal in mind: to generate energy as cleanly as possible and at the same time cheaply. No wonder, one would like to say, if one thinks of the conventional means by which energy has been generated within the last years and until today. Examples are: Coal-fired power plants, nuclear energy or even the well-known internal combustion engine - all machines that have a comparatively low efficiency and above all consume large quantities of non-renewable raw materials (e.g. petroleum).

Quite different the so-called Magnetic motor. This particular Electric motor is similar in design to a conventional electric motor, but it has some peculiarities and innovations that make it unique and could make it the future of power generation. So let's dive into this fascinating topic and take a close look at how the magnetic motor works and what makes it so special.

It is called either a magnetic motor or Magnet generator. As I said before: In principle, the magnetic motor is similar to the conventional electric motor, however, here not only a Magnet but several at the same time. Depending on the motor type and power, these differ both from the number of Magnets as well as from their arrangement. The difficulty here is to find the right arrangement of the magnets on the stator. An enormous amount of testing has been done in recent years and decades, and new solutions have been presented time and again.

Magnetic motor VS electric motor: The most important difference

magnetic motor howardjohnson

End with the shallow preliminary banter! Now we come to the really important differences between a conventional electric motor and a magnetic motor. While a conventional electric motor consumes electricity to generate mechanical energy or work from it, a magnetic motor does not consume electricity, it generates it! All that is required is a certain amount of initial energy to start the magnetic motor. Once in operation, it eventually runs completely self-sufficiently and produces electricity sustainably. A dream, isn't it? The idea of the much-vaunted perpetual motion machine comes to mind, i.e. a machine that runs practically indefinitely without any external energy supply and produces its own energy in the process.

The problem with that: According to school physics, the magnetic motor cannot exist! This is because it is a machine that - viewed holistically - gives off more energy than is supplied to it. Here's a question for you: Do you know the much-cited example of the bumblebee that can't fly? No? Here in short form: Physicists calculated that a bumblebee basically cannot fly due to the ratio of wing area and weight. The bumblebee, however, has no idea about this and just does it - it flies! This is exactly what the inventors of the magnetic motor claim.

Let's go back to school physics: already more than 100 years ago, a clever inventor named Nikola Tesla in his countless experiments around the subject of "free energy" various assumptions of physics, which until then were considered "set in stone.

To understand how the Magnet motor worksSo let's take another close look at the principle. Perhaps we can manage to outwit the assumptions of school physics. As already mentioned, the magnetic motor is started once by hand and is then supposed to continue running quasi infinitely without the supply of external energy, due to the special arrangement and quantity of magnets inside, which are supposed to keep the coil and the armature inside constantly in motion. Now if anyone doubts that there is a magnetic force that constantly causes poles to be attracted and repelled, he would have to question our entire planet Earth. Because the earth with its likewise magnetic poles has been rotating for millions of years and thus functions according to the same principle. According to physics, the planet earth should not rotate at all, because no energy is added to it from outside.

But let's look at the whole thing in a more differentiated way and on a smaller level. In recent years, science has discovered that below the atoms there are various other, smallest particles that produce and emit energy. These elementary particles are also called neutrinos, and they have been proven, among other things, by experiments in the renowned particle accelerator called CERN in Switzerland. In this accelerator it could also be proven that the elementary particles move faster than light - also an assumption that was always denied by school physics until then.

The neutrinos are able to penetrate everything and thus keep everything in motion. Scientists who study the magnetic motor in more detail hold these neutrinos responsible for the fact that the magnetic motor works. The neutrinos contained therein are converted into magnetic force, which is then in turn emitted by Magnetmotor in the form of electricity.

The advantages of the magnetic motor The advantages are obvious: it produces energy independently, without the need to supply energy. It produces no harmful radiation, no exhaust gas or other environmentally harmful substances. Thus, the magnetic motor would be the ultimate solution for all energy problems in the world. Why nobody has produced it yet can only be speculated. Experts repeatedly cite the influential energy and oil lobby as the reason.
