Mounting lamps on the terrarium
I have another suggestion for the sensible use of your magnets. The lid of a terrarium is completely made of glass (except for a small air slit at the edge), so heat and UV lamps, which are vital for reptiles, can hardly or only unsightly be attached. The metal housing of each lamp simply with the Magnets connect and ready. No glue residue, no holes, no broken terrariums, no slain animals from insecurely attached lamps.

You can decorate super with it (fabrics, garlands, etc.) e.g. attach to heaters. Nothing is broken by the round, smooth surface.

Magnet as water filter
I use magnetic balls as a filter magnet and have the inserted into each faucet and shower head. Much cheaper and the same effect as the otherwise expensive advertised water filters from B...ta etc.. In addition, the can be used excellent and are not so cumbersome to attach to pipes with clamps, etc.. My solution is the perfect solution, try it out. Simply remove the shower head from the hose, a few Magent balls pure, or turn on the tap on the filter insert, put a small ball or magnetic disc pure, done.

Fastening the tool bag in the trunk
I drive a sports car, and what bothered me for a long time, was the back and forth slipping tool bag in the trunk when driving fast.So I put the magnet in the bag. The tool immediately held to it. Then I put the entire bag on the back seat. Everything holds bombproof and doesn't slip a millimeter more.(Well, there are other possibilities. But anyone who loves his car, will refrain from double stick tape, Velcro, etc.)

Tank bag magnet
I have the suggestion that one uses a magnet as a so-called tank bag magnet to save the annoying lashing of the straps and to prevent the resulting damage to the paint.

Magnet As a holder for kitchen utensils
I purchased a magnet and incorporated it into a thin iron tube, now I own a super cooking spoon holder above my stove as a result, this magnet are just awesome.

Laying skirting boards with magnets
Ever laid skirting boards??? did it work well with the dowels or nails? certainly not! Just take a few magnets and a metal rail - both you stick - so the metal rail on the wall and the magnets on your skirting board and very quickly without annoying drilling you make your skirting board on the wall and also away again if you remember at a later date that you want to lay a cable again, or clean behind it.

Lost your key in the shaft? No problem with a magnet
What to do if, for example, a small, single key has fallen into a shaft? This hammer magnet has saved us a new lock - unfortunately there was only one key left!
Simply attach thread or string, slide magnet down chute or toilet and fish for items.

Magnets for neat storage in the locker
I have thus ensured order in my locker. Inside the door now hangs a bowl for odds and ends, the helmet hangs dutifully on the ceiling of the locker and on the wall hang the gloves

Magnets as visual objects
I am a physics teacher and can use these small magnets wonderfully in the classroom. They are really super strong and robust.

Magnet for camera tripod thread
Have you ever thought about what you can do with a really strong magnet? The little wonders of the world are incredibly versatile. Screw a plate equipped with neodymium magnets onto your camera tripod thread. Our magnets will hold even the heaviest of cameras in place. This will certainly open up one or two new, unusual perspectives on the world.

Magnet holders
Magnets are not only inspiring in physics lessons. The little everyday helpers can save you a lot of work. Why drill complicated brackets into the wall? Simply attach your towels in the bathroom with a hook magnet to your heater.

Eliminate chaos with magnets
With a few magnets you can bring order to the chaos. Be it the Workshop or the kitchen that needs to be tidied up. With a few quick moves, you can turn lamp sockets under wall cabinets into holders for your utensils. Simply attach a few hook magnets and stow everything away. The best thing about it: with our magnets you remain flexible. With a flick of the wrist, you can transform everything.

Magic tricks with a magnet
Magnets don't always have to be practical. Sometimes a small magnet is enough to enchant their fellow men. One or the other magic trick, which makes use of the invisible forces will surely come to your mind.

Making the world's smallest electric motor with a magnet
Do you have children? Instead of tinkering for the umpteenth time, why not demonstrate some experiments with magnets? To build the world's smallest electric motor, you don't need much more than a magnet, a small cable and a battery. Try it out.

Fridge magnets
In which Hollywood movie is the refrigerator a useful pinboard for the family thanks to magnets? That's right, in almost every one. What Hollywood can do, you can already do...

Insect screen with magnets
Magnets also help you protect against insects in summer. Instead of using awkward climbing fasteners, you can also attach your fly net to the window with magnets. It's almost impossible to install and remove them more easily.

Balcony magnet
Magnets are always a good way to attach something when you want (or need) to be as non-destructive as possible. You can certainly think of one or two places where a magnet can make your life easier. Maybe you've wanted to attach something to your metal balcony for a long time?

Building a pick-up device for your boule balls
When we say magnets are incredibly versatile, those are not empty words. We bet you've never thought of using an extra-strong neodymium magnet to build a lifting device for your boules. Bending down was yesterday, thanks to our magnets.

Small work of art with magnetic beads
Magnets can also be used as an end in themselves. When playing around with a few spherical magnets, everyone rediscovers the child in himself. And if a small work of art is created, you can also decorate the apartment wonderfully.

Clean up desk with magnets
Everyone knows the phenomenon that a desk is just always untidy. At least one of our magnets can provide some relief. Paper clips, scissors and all metallic objects can be cleaned up in no time.

Lost something on the beach? Find valuable treasures with a magnet
Have you ever lost a ring on the beach? Or have you ever dropped an earring in a tight dark corner? A strong magnet saves you eternal searching, groping and despairing: things fly to you as if they were Harry Potter.

Sorting coins with a magnet
We all love our cash. But no one loves the accumulation of 1, 2 and 5 cent coins in their wallet. With one of our magnets, you can sort these coins out from the rest as if by magic. No more annoying searching for pennies at the cash register.

Erasing data with a magnet
If you really want to delete data irrevocably, you often face the problem that it's not that easy. That's why professionals turn to powerful magnets to send their spinning hard drives to nirvana. So instead of hiring a professional you can simply buy a Neodom magnet.

Doorstop with a magnet
Except in the suburban train, doors that close on their own are often undesirable. With a magnet, some rubber band and a metal plate behind the door, you can build a tornado-proof doorstop in the cheapest way. Wanna bet?

Bottle opener idea with a magnet
Almost every man or woman likes to drink beer. Unfortunately, it can happen in the heat of opening bottles that the crown corks fly in all directions. Mount one of our magnets directly under a bottle opener. Without annoying collecting makes beer drinking even more fun.

Key holder with a magnet
Maybe you have a key hook. But how often has the key somehow ended up on the floor or in children's hands and had to be searched for forever? How about just using a magnet as a holder instead? Efficient, simple and also a bit like magic.

A pencil provided with a ring magnet
Another amazingly simple but effective idea from the realm of the desk. A pencil equipped with a ring magnet can be attached anywhere and never gets lost.

Vacuum cleaner solution with a magnet
If you often lose small parts like screws, rice nails or earrings you will love this suggestion. Simply equip the end of your vacuum cleaner with a magnet. This way you save all small metal parts from a tragic vacuum cleaner death.

Hanging belt with magnets
The nice thing about belts is that they usually have metallic buckles. That just screams for hanging them up with magnets. Looks good, creates order and is somehow even fun.

Bring order to the chaos with magnets
With a few magnets you can bring order to the chaos. Whether it's the workshop or the kitchen that needs tidying up. With a few quick moves, you can turn lamp holders under wall cabinets into holders for your utensils. Simply attach a few hook magnets and stow everything away. The best thing about it: With our magnets you remain flexible. You can transform everything with a flick of the wrist.

Home decoration and magnets
If they are still looking for that certain something for their home decoration and want to try something unusual, you will like this idea. Put your flowers in small metal pots and let them float on magnets on the wall.

Magnets as little helpers for glasses
Who owns a pair of glasses knows the problem when you have misplaced the important little helper again, or the glasses fell somewhere. Fortunately, many glasses are made of metal. Combined with a magnet from us, your glasses are always firmly in place.

Gathering curtains with a magnet
Do you have curtains at home? If you need an unusual attachment for your
If you are looking for a curtain tieback, you should play with magnets in the tieback. This is definitely more exciting than the classic knot.

Improve props with magnets
Here's a very special idea. Imagine you play theater and want to make Dracula harmless with a wooden stake. With two magnets your prop "sticks" like a real stake. But this idea can of course be transferred to various other props.

Attach stylus with a magnet
For owners of a convertible or tablet with a stylus, magnets can be quite helpful. Often, the devices were not thought through to the end and the stylus cannot be attached anywhere. With a small magnet, what belongs together finally comes together.

Fixing the tablecloth to the table with a magnet
When the wind blows a little stronger outside, the tablecloth on the terrace can easily get lost. With magnets on the tablecloth and metal on your table, you can be sure that not even a hurricane will separate you and your tablecloth.

Hang up jersey with magnets instead of pins
When a football fan gets hold of a signature on a jersey, he usually wants to present it accordingly. Of course, you can't get too close to the good piece with pins or similar. Therefore, the solution: a few small magnets are the ideal addition to hang up the good piece.

Vacuum cleaner as a helping hand with a magnet
Do you often have to do DIY alone? When drilling, no one holds the vacuum cleaner to your drill hole to dispose of the dirt directly? Maybe you can simulate the helping hand with one of our magnets.

Functional knife storage with magnets
Especially for someone who sees the kitchen not only functionally is this idea: A magnetic knife holder you know, but if you combine the whole thing with a beautiful piece of wood, on the back of which magnets are attached, you get a visual highlight: free-floating knives in front of wood.

Pick up cartridge cases with magnet
Are you also a little sniper in you? Even if you only shoot clay pigeons, a magnet could come in handy. With a strong magnet from us, you can pick up your shells in no time.

Secure garden gazebos with magnets
Really strong magnets defy wind and weather. Especially in the garden, this can sometimes be quite useful. If your pavilion side wall is blowing wildly in the wind again, you could simply attach it to metal objects with several magnets. This is easy and flexible.

Making children marvel with magnets
With a small magnet - or better with many - you can amaze children. Throw them into balloons before blowing them up and they can be magically fixed to all sorts of objects. And if the magnet is strong enough, they even attract each other.

Crown cork with magnet
Something from the curious box: There are people who love to collect crown caps. If you are one of them, the combination of your passion with magnets is a decorative type. So you arrange and present your treasures times more unusual.

Combine Lego bricks with magnets
If you want to breathe more life into your children's Lego constructions, our small magnets are just the thing. So self-made robot arms and everything imaginable come to life. Be creative, you will certainly think of more

Lock attachment to the bicycle with a magnet
Who is often on the road with the bike, knows the eternal mounting and dismounting of the lock. Here again, a clever fastening by magnet comes into question. Bombproof hold and easy handling distinguish this option. You will love it.

Prevent casual theft with a magnet
Do you live in a big city and ride your bike a lot? So that opportunity does not make thieves, we recommend a magnetic front wheel lock. A strong bar magnet in the thru axle, which can only be removed with another very strong magnet, prevents casual theft.

Attach navigation device or mobile phone with a magnet
No matter whether they navigate with dedicated Navi or with the mobile phone in the car, usually for short distances the fumbling, which is necessary for the attachment, is too tedious. Provided with a magnet, even this regular mounting becomes a breeze that takes only fractions of a second.

Attach pond liner to balcony for waterproofing with magnets
A tip from the realm of DIY. To seal a balcony, one often uses pond liner. If your balcony is still made of metal or has metal screws installed, you can easily attach them with magnets.

Screen and beamer plus magnet is the solution
Do you have a projector? Chances are good that they have not yet found the optimal solution for hanging your screen. Maybe a magnet can make your life easier here too. Quickly set up and dismantle and tighten the screen as well.

Fixing the satellite dish on the caravan roof with a magnet
As an experienced caravan camper, you certainly know the desire to watch TV on the road. To make the installation of the satellite dish easy, the mounting on the roof is the easiest thing. Of course, one of our magnets will help you. It really couldn't be easier.