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Operating temperatures

What are the maximum recommended operating temperatures for different magnet materials?


What are the maximum recommended operating temperatures for different magnet materials?

The maximum temperature at which a magnet becomes effective depends greatly on the permeation coefficient or "Pc" of the material. The Pc is a function of the magnetic circuit in which the magnet operates. The higher the Pc (the more "closed" the circuit), the higher the temperature at which the magnet can operate without becoming severely demagnetized. Here are approximate maximum operating temperatures for the various classes of magnet materials. At temperatures near those listed below, special attention may be required to ensure that the magnet does not become demagnetized.

Material Approximate max. of
Operating temperatures
°C °F
NdFeB 140 284
SmCo 300 572
Alnico 540 1,004
Ceramic 300 572
Flexible 100 212